Recap video & summary 2024

Watch the recap video of the June 5th, 2024 conference here!

Norway Summit 2024 was truly one for the books. This year the conference took place at Fiskepiren, Stavanger, and as previous years, we gathered leaders, politicians, entrepreneurs, researchers, investors, and socially engaged individuals for a day of knowledge sharing and future-oriented discussions.

Here are some of the highlights:

The conference started with a music performance by the talented chess artist Juga, setting the perfect tone for the day. Shortly after, Kristoffer Sivertsen gave a warm welcome from Stavanger kommune.

Øystein E. Søreide of Abelia, discussed how tech and knowledge companies are driving innovation in Norway, highlighting the importance of embracing new technologies.

Charles Stonehill then shared invaluable insights on financing the energy transition in our unstable world, emphasizing the critical role of both government and private capital.

rofessor at University of Stavanger, Gorm Kipperberg, whoprovided a dive into environmental economics, offering business insights for a green transition.

David Marsh's analysis of the state of geopolitics in Europe was enlightening, reminding us of the complex global landscape we're navigating.

Our humanitarian panel, featuring Oksana Babyak, Cidi Nzita, and Hoda Khamosh, moved us with their powerful stories of change and empowerment. We can all make a difference!

Post-lunch, Danny Rensch and Magnus Carlsen took the stage. Their strategic insights and vision for the global chess were truly inspiring.

The brilliant James Altucher captivated us with his lessons from interviewing 1500 billionaires, artists and scientists on his podcast, The James Altucher Show.

The day concluded with Øystein Olsen’s storytelling about the Norwegian oil adventure based on his new book "Lykkelandet".

Special thanks to:

  • Carina Olset Hovda for brilliantly leading us through the day
  • Our sponsors, HTH Kjøkken, Iterate Norway and Norway Chess
  • The brilliant chefs and servers from local Jåttå high school
  • Everyone else involved in making this event happen, and of course, everyone who attended and contributed to the success of Norway Summit!

Let's continue to drive innovation, foster meaningful discussions, and create positive change.

See you next year!