In 2017 we brought world-class knowledge to Stavanger to help enlighten us and to prepare business leaders, politicians and academics on the fore coming of the future.
Sustainable Development Goal # 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
Goal 9 encompasses three important aspects of sustainable development: Infrastructure, industrialization and innovation. Infrastructure provides the basic physical systems and structures essential to the operation of a society or enterprise. Industrialization drives economic growth, creates job opportunities and thereby reduces income poverty. Innovation advances the technological capabilities of industrial sectors and prompts the development of new skills.
What does this particularly mean for Norway? How will global trends affect the Nordic region of Europe in particular? How can Norway take a leading role in any of the major areas of technological development? In what areas of expertise does Norway have competitive advantages in order to make a difference? What policy measures are needed? How will our values and way of living be affected? Will the “Nordic model” be challenged?
Norway Summit 2017 invited to conference with top international and national business representatives, experts, premise providers and decision-makers.